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Holy Cross Church bids farewell to Fr Victor Machado, welcomes Fr Clifford Fernandes

Welcome to Fr Clifford Fernandes

          Rev.Fr Clifford Fernandes, the new Parish Priest of Holy Cross Church was welcomed by the outgoing Parish Priest Rev. Fr Victor Machado, Asst Parish Priests, Parish Pastoral Parishad members and parishionerson 13 July 2021 at 4.00 pm. V. Rev.FrVictor Machado handed over the charge to Rev.Fr Clifford Fernandesduring the installation ceremony presided by the Bishop’s delegate Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peres.This was followed by a short welcome programme. Rev. Fr Victor Machado welcomed and congratulated Fr Clifford Fernandes as he took up the new responsibility. Mr Michael D’Souza gave a bird’s eye view on the Parish and its functioning. Later,FrClifford Fernandes asked for prayers and blessed the gathering. Rector of St Joseph Seminary V. Rev.Fr Ronald Serrao, Assistant Parish Priests Fr Lawrence Cutinha,Fr Shaun Rodrigues and FrJovin Sequeira,Mr Michael D’Souza, Vice President of PPP,Mr Lancy Sequeira, the Secretary of PPP were present. FrJovinVishwas Sequeira compered the ceremony and thanked all.

Farewell to Fr Victor Machado

          On Sunday, 11 July 2021, Holy Cross Church, Cordel parishioners bid farewell to theirParish Priest V. Rev. Dr Victor Machado after the thanksgiving mass.Acknowledging the services rendered by Fr Victor Machado for six years, on behalf of the Parishioners Mr Michael D’Souza, the Vice President of Parish Pastoral Parishadread the citation ‘maanpatr’.As a mark of gratitude, the outgoing parish priest was honoured by Mr Louis Fernandes along with Vice presidents and Secretaries of PPP of past six years and also by Rev. Lawrence Cutinha, Rev. Shaun Rodrigues and Rev. JovinVishwas Sequeira the Asst. Parish Priests. The superiors of three convents were also present.

          On this occasion, the parish phone directory was released by Fr Victor Machado. Mr Lancy Sequeira, the Secretary of PPC thanked everyone. Mrs Renita Tauro compered the programme.

Daily Reading for Monday, March 20th, 2017

Reading 1, Second Kings 5:1-15

1 Naaman, army commander to the king of Aram, was a man who enjoyed his master’s respect and favour, since through him Yahweh had granted victory to the Aramaeans.

2 But the man suffered from a virulent skin-disease. Now, on one of their raids into Israelite territory, the Aramaeans had carried off a little girl, who became a servant of Naaman’s wife.

3 She said to her mistress, ‘If only my master would approach the prophet of Samaria! He would cure him of his skin-disease.’

4 Naaman went and told his master. ‘This and this’, he reported, ‘is what the girl from Israel has said.’

5 ‘Go by all means,’ said the king of Aram, ‘I shall send a letter to the king of Israel.’ So Naaman left, taking with him ten talents of silver, six thousand shekels of gold and ten festal robes.

6 He presented the letter to the king of Israel. It read, ‘With this letter, I am sending my servant Naaman to you for you to cure him of his skin-disease.’

7 When the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes. ‘Am I a god to give death and life,’ he said, ‘for him to send a man to me and ask me to cure him of his skin-disease? Listen to this and take note of it and see how he intends to pick a quarrel with me.’

8 When Elisha heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, he sent word to the king, ‘Why have you torn your clothes? Let him come to me, and he will find there is a prophet in Israel.’

9 So Naaman came with his team and chariot and drew up at the door of Elisha’s house.

10 And Elisha sent him a messenger to say, ‘Go and bathe seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will become clean once more.’

11 But Naaman was indignant and went off, saying, ‘Here was I, thinking he would be sure to come out to me, and stand there, and call on the name of Yahweh his God, and wave his hand over the spot and cure the part that was diseased.

12 Surely, Abana and Parpar, the rivers of Damascus, are better than any water in Israel? Could I not bathe in them and become clean?’ And he turned round and went off in a rage.

13 But his servants approached him and said, ‘Father, if the prophet had asked you to do something difficult, would you not have done it? All the more reason, then, when he says to you, “Bathe, and you will become clean.” ‘

14 So he went down and immersed himself seven times in the Jordan, as Elisha had told him to do. And his flesh became clean once more like the flesh of a little child.

15 Returning to Elisha with his whole escort, he went in and, presenting himself, said, ‘Now I know that there is no God anywhere on earth except in Israel. Now, please, accept a present from your servant.’

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4

2 I thirst for God, the living God; when shall I go to see the face of God?

3 I have no food but tears day and night, as all day long I am taunted, ‘Where is your God?’

3 Send out your light and your truth; they shall be my guide, to lead me to your holy mountain to the place where you dwell.

4 Then I shall go to the altar of God, to the God of my joy. I will rejoice and praise you on the harp, O God, my God.

Gospel, Luke 4:24-30

24 And he went on, ‘In truth I tell you, no prophet is ever accepted in his own country.

25 ‘There were many widows in Israel, I can assure you, in Elijah’s day, when heaven remained shut for three years and six months and a great famine raged throughout the land,

26 but Elijah was not sent to any one of these: he was sent to a widow at Zarephath, a town in Sidonia.

27 And in the prophet Elisha’s time there were many suffering from virulent skin-diseases in Israel, but none of these was cured — only Naaman the Syrian.’

28 When they heard this everyone in the synagogue was enraged.

29 They sprang to their feet and hustled him out of the town; and they took him up to the brow of the hill their town was built on, intending to throw him off the cliff,

30 but he passed straight through the crowd and walked away.

Daily Reading for Tuesday, March 21st, 2017

Reading 1, Daniel 3:25, 34-43

25 Azariah stood in the heart of the fire, praying aloud thus:

34 Do not abandon us for ever, for the sake of your name; do not repudiate your covenant,

35 do not withdraw your favour from us, for the sake of Abraham, your friend, of Isaac, your servant, and of Israel, your holy one,

36 to whom you promised to make their descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as the grains of sand on the seashore.

37 Lord, we have become the least of all nations, we are put to shame today throughout the world, because of our sins.

38 We now have no leader, no prophet, no prince, no burnt offering, no sacrifice, no oblation, no incense, no place where we can make offerings to you

39 and win your favour. But may the contrite soul, the humbled spirit, be as acceptable to you

40 as burnt offerings of rams and bullocks, as thousands of fat lambs: such let our sacrifice be to you today, and may it please you that we follow you whole-heartedly, since those who trust in you will not be shamed.

41 And now we put our whole heart into following you, into fearing you and seeking your face once more.

42 Do not abandon us to shame but treat us in accordance with your gentleness, in accordance with the greatness of your mercy.

43 Rescue us in accordance with your wonderful deeds and win fresh glory for your name, O Lord.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

4 DIRECT me in your ways, Yahweh, and teach me your paths.

5 ENCOURAGE me to walk in your truth and teach me since you are the God who saves me. FOR my hope is in you all day long — such is your generosity, Yahweh.

6 GOODNESS and faithful love have been yours for ever, Yahweh, do not forget them.

7 HOLD not my youthful sins against me, but remember me as your faithful love dictates.

8 INTEGRITY and generosity are marks of Yahweh for he brings sinners back to the path.

9 JUDICIOUSLY he guides the humble, instructing the poor in his way.

Gospel, Matthew 18:21-35

21 Then Peter went up to him and said, ‘Lord, how often must I forgive my brother if he wrongs me? As often as seven times?’

22 Jesus answered, ‘Not seven, I tell you, but seventy-seven times.

23 ‘And so the kingdom of Heaven may be compared to a king who decided to settle his accounts with his servants.

24 When the reckoning began, they brought him a man who owed ten thousand talents;

25 he had no means of paying, so his master gave orders that he should be sold, together with his wife and children and all his possessions, to meet the debt.

26 At this, the servant threw himself down at his master’s feet, with the words, “Be patient with me and I will pay the whole sum.”

27 And the servant’s master felt so sorry for him that he let him go and cancelled the debt.

28 Now as this servant went out, he happened to meet a fellow-servant who owed him one hundred denarii; and he seized him by the throat and began to throttle him, saying, “Pay what you owe me.”

29 His fellow-servant fell at his feet and appealed to him, saying, “Be patient with me and I will pay you.”

30 But the other would not agree; on the contrary, he had him thrown into prison till he should pay the debt.

31 His fellow-servants were deeply distressed when they saw what had happened, and they went to their master and reported the whole affair to him.

32 Then the master sent for the man and said to him, “You wicked servant, I cancelled all that debt of yours when you appealed to me.

33 Were you not bound, then, to have pity on your fellow-servant just as I had pity on you?”

34 And in his anger the master handed him over to the torturers till he should pay all his debt.

35 And that is how my heavenly Father will deal with you unless you each forgive your brother from your heart.

Daily Reading for Saturday, April 29th, 2017

Reading 1, Acts 6:1-7

1 About this time, when the number of disciples was increasing, the Hellenists made a complaint against the Hebrews: in the daily distribution their own widows were being overlooked.

2 So the Twelve called a full meeting of the disciples and addressed them, ‘It would not be right for us to neglect the word of God so as to give out food;

3 you, brothers, must select from among yourselves seven men of good reputation, filled with the Spirit and with wisdom, to whom we can hand over this duty.

4 We ourselves will continue to devote ourselves to prayer and to the service of the word.’

5 The whole assembly approved of this proposal and elected Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, together with Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus of Antioch, a convert to Judaism.

6 They presented these to the apostles, and after prayer they laid their hands on them.

7 The word of the Lord continued to spread: the number of disciples in Jerusalem was greatly increased, and a large group of priests made their submission to the faith.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19

1 Shout for joy, you upright; praise comes well from the honest.

2 Give thanks to Yahweh on the lyre, play for him on the ten-stringed lyre.

4 The word of Yahweh is straightforward, all he does springs from his constancy.

5 He loves uprightness and justice; the faithful love of Yahweh fills the earth.

18 But see how Yahweh watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his faithful love,

19 to rescue them from death and keep them alive in famine.

Gospel, John 6:16-21

16 That evening the disciples went down to the shore of the sea

17 and got into a boat to make for Capernaum on the other side of the sea. It was getting dark by now and Jesus had still not rejoined them.

18 The wind was strong, and the sea was getting rough.

19 They had rowed three or four miles when they saw Jesus walking on the sea and coming towards the boat. They were afraid,

20 but he said, ‘It’s me. Don’t be afraid.’

21 They were ready to take him into the boat, and immediately it reached the shore at the place they were making for.

Daily Reading for Sunday, April 30th, 2017

Reading 1, Acts 2:14, 22-28

14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven and addressed them in a loud voice: ‘Men of Judaea, and all you who live in Jerusalem, make no mistake about this, but listen carefully to what I say.

22 ‘Men of Israel, listen to what I am going to say: Jesus the Nazarene was a man commended to you by God by the miracles and portents and signs that God worked through him when he was among you, as you know.

23 This man, who was put into your power by the deliberate intention and foreknowledge of God, you took and had crucified and killed by men outside the Law.

24 But God raised him to life, freeing him from the pangs of Hades; for it was impossible for him to be held in its power since,

25 as David says of him: I kept the Lord before my sight always, for with him at my right hand nothing can shake me.

26 So my heart rejoiced my tongue delighted; my body, too, will rest secure,

27 for you will not abandon me to Hades or allow your holy one to see corruption.

28 You have taught me the way of life, you will fill me with joy in your presence.

Responsorial Psalm, Psalms 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11

1 [In a quiet voice Of David] Protect me, O God, in you is my refuge.

2 To Yahweh I say, ‘You are my Lord, my happiness is in none

5 My birthright, my cup is Yahweh; you, you alone, hold my lot secure.

7 I bless Yahweh who is my counsellor, even at night my heart instructs me.

8 I keep Yahweh before me always, for with him at my right hand, nothing can shake me.

9 So my heart rejoices, my soul delights, my body too will rest secure,

10 for you will not abandon me to Sheol, you cannot allow your faithful servant to see the abyss.

11 You will teach me the path of life, unbounded joy in your presence, at your right hand delight for ever.

Gospel, Luke 24:13-35

13 Now that very same day, two of them were on their way to a village called Emmaus, seven miles from Jerusalem,

14 and they were talking together about all that had happened.

15 And it happened that as they were talking together and discussing it, Jesus himself came up and walked by their side;

16 but their eyes were prevented from recognising him.

17 He said to them, ‘What are all these things that you are discussing as you walk along?’ They stopped, their faces downcast.

18 Then one of them, called Cleopas, answered him, ‘You must be the only person staying in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have been happening there these last few days.’

19 He asked, ‘What things?’ They answered, ‘All about Jesus of Nazareth, who showed himself a prophet powerful in action and speech before God and the whole people;

20 and how our chief priests and our leaders handed him over to be sentenced to death, and had him crucified.

21 Our own hope had been that he would be the one to set Israel free. And this is not all: two whole days have now gone by since it all happened;

22 and some women from our group have astounded us: they went to the tomb in the early morning,

23 and when they could not find the body, they came back to tell us they had seen a vision of angels who declared he was alive.

24 Some of our friends went to the tomb and found everything exactly as the women had reported, but of him they saw nothing.’

25 Then he said to them, ‘You foolish men! So slow to believe all that the prophets have said!

26 Was it not necessary that the Christ should suffer before entering into his glory?’

27 Then, starting with Moses and going through all the prophets, he explained to them the passages throughout the scriptures that were about himself.

28 When they drew near to the village to which they were going, he made as if to go on;

29 but they pressed him to stay with them saying, ‘It is nearly evening, and the day is almost over.’ So he went in to stay with them.

30 Now while he was with them at table, he took the bread and said the blessing; then he broke it and handed it to them.

31 And their eyes were opened and they recognised him; but he had vanished from their sight.

32 Then they said to each other, ‘Did not our hearts burn within us as he talked to us on the road and explained the scriptures to us?’

33 They set out that instant and returned to Jerusalem. There they found the Eleven assembled together with their companions,

34 who said to them, ‘The Lord has indeed risen and has appeared to Simon.’

35 Then they told their story of what had happened on the road and how they had recognised him at the breaking of bread.

Reading 2, First Peter 1:17-21

17 And if you address as Father him who judges without favouritism according to each individual’s deeds, live out the time of your exile here in reverent awe.

18 For you know that the price of your ransom from the futile way of life handed down from your ancestors was paid, not in anything perishable like silver or gold,

19 but in precious blood as of a blameless and spotless lamb, Christ.

20 He was marked out before the world was made, and was revealed at the final point of time for your sake.

21 Through him you now have faith in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory for this very purpose — that your faith and hope should be in God.