Third Order

Third Order

Secular Franciscan Order

The Franciscan family is one among many spiritual families raised up by the holy spirit in the church, who recognize that they are to follow Christ in the footsteps of St. Franics of Assisi. The Secular Franciscan Order holds a special place in this family circle. It is an union of all catholic fraternities scattered throughout the world. In these fraternities the brothers and sisters (read as lay people) strive for perfect Charity in their own secular state. By their profession they pledge themselves to live the gospel in the manner of St. Frnacis by means of rules approved by the church.

In our parish the secular Franciscan order was officially established on 3rd August 1941 with late Rosario Fernandes as the founder president. At present there are 28 members. It is a privilege to have the founder member brother Alphonse Silva in our order. He is still participating in all our activities. We meet on the last Sunday of every month after 7.30 a.m. mass.

The activities of the secular Franciscan order is centered around gospel and Eucharist. We are Reading Bible daily along with our prayer and trying our level best to practice the same in life. We the members visit Hospitals, Ashramas, old age homes and spend time with them. We also make visits to the houses of bed ridden and sick people. The members help them financially who are in need of it. When death occurs in a family we conduct prayer service and consoles family members. We are maintaining ‘Karunalaya’ the old age home at Brahmavar jointly with other fraternities. We make visit to the home and help financially.

Every three years our office bearers election take place through secret ballot. In the election held in October 2018 the following office bearers were elected.

President  Mr. Denis Fernandes
Vice President  Mr. Swebert D’souza
Secretary  Mrs. Linet D’souza
Treasurer  Mr. Walter D’souza
Formator  Mrs. Renny Rebelllo
Varado Representative Mrs. Jacintha D’souza
Varado Representative Mrs. Carmine Pinto