Holy Cross Church bids farewell to Fr Victor Machado, welcomes Fr Clifford Fernandes

Welcome to Fr Clifford Fernandes

          Rev.Fr Clifford Fernandes, the new Parish Priest of Holy Cross Church was welcomed by the outgoing Parish Priest Rev. Fr Victor Machado, Asst Parish Priests, Parish Pastoral Parishad members and parishionerson 13 July 2021 at 4.00 pm. V. Rev.FrVictor Machado handed over the charge to Rev.Fr Clifford Fernandesduring the installation ceremony presided by the Bishop’s delegate Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peres.This was followed by a short welcome programme. Rev. Fr Victor Machado welcomed and congratulated Fr Clifford Fernandes as he took up the new responsibility. Mr Michael D’Souza gave a bird’s eye view on the Parish and its functioning. Later,FrClifford Fernandes asked for prayers and blessed the gathering. Rector of St Joseph Seminary V. Rev.Fr Ronald Serrao, Assistant Parish Priests Fr Lawrence Cutinha,Fr Shaun Rodrigues and FrJovin Sequeira,Mr Michael D’Souza, Vice President of PPP,Mr Lancy Sequeira, the Secretary of PPP were present. FrJovinVishwas Sequeira compered the ceremony and thanked all.

Farewell to Fr Victor Machado

          On Sunday, 11 July 2021, Holy Cross Church, Cordel parishioners bid farewell to theirParish Priest V. Rev. Dr Victor Machado after the thanksgiving mass.Acknowledging the services rendered by Fr Victor Machado for six years, on behalf of the Parishioners Mr Michael D’Souza, the Vice President of Parish Pastoral Parishadread the citation ‘maanpatr’.As a mark of gratitude, the outgoing parish priest was honoured by Mr Louis Fernandes along with Vice presidents and Secretaries of PPP of past six years and also by Rev. Lawrence Cutinha, Rev. Shaun Rodrigues and Rev. JovinVishwas Sequeira the Asst. Parish Priests. The superiors of three convents were also present.

          On this occasion, the parish phone directory was released by Fr Victor Machado. Mr Lancy Sequeira, the Secretary of PPC thanked everyone. Mrs Renita Tauro compered the programme.