St. Joseph English Medium High School

St. Joseph Eng. Med. High School St Joseph Eng. Med. High School was established by Rev. Fr. Gregory William Vas in the year Christa Jayanthi 2000. Its endeavor is to spread knowledge of truth through education in the principles of Jesus Christ. Holy Cross Church Cordel, Kulshekar provides the building and other infrastructure, housing St. Joseph Eng. Med. High School. The school is managed by the Catholic Board of Education and is recognized by the Government of Karnataka. It imparts education to all without distinction of caste and creed.
School Motto: Love, Care, Service
Aim: Integral development of the whole human person guided by the teaching and inspiration of Christ.
- All round development of our students’ i. e., Intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.
- Fostering critical thinking, creative ability and intellectual excellence.
- Formation of good human citizens deeply loyal to God and the country.
- Development of concern towards the poor and the weak.
- Solidarity as an Institution without caste or communal prejudices.
- A value oriented up bringing and suitable opportunities for all to buildup character eschew evil habits and acquire hatred for corruption and injustice.
The following Parish Priests of Holy Cross Church, Cordel have rendered their service as the correspondent of the school.
- Founder: Rev. Fr. Gregory William Vas (2000 – 2006)
- Rev. Fr. Lawrence C. D’souza (2006 – 2008)
- Rev. Fr. Valerian Pinto (2008 – 2015)
- Rev. Fr. Victor Machado (2015 – 2021)
- Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes (2021-
- Mrs. Sunita R. D’souza is the present Headmistress of this institution
- Mrs. Precilla C. D’souza had also served as the Headmistress.
- Mrs. Sunita R. D’souza (2001 – till date)
Teaching Staff:
- Mrs. Sunita R. D’souza
- Mr. Christopher Anil Monteiro
- Mrs. Pramila Moras
- Mrs. Lilly L. D’souza
- Mrs. Pearl Crasta
- Mrs. Shanthi D’Cruz
- Ms. Laveena Fernandes
- Mr.Muthuswamy C.K
Non-Teaching Staff:
- Mrs. Dicy Monis
- Mrs. Gladys I. Lobo
Co-curricular Activities:
We have students with varied talents, abilities and interests hidden deep within. To unfold them and bloom to their optimum level, the school offers ample opportunities through co-curricular activities. Students are involved in various activities relating to National Integration like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanthi, Children’s day and Teacher’s day with appropriate cultural programmes. The science club and Eco Club have been introduced. Students attend the music, dance and band class as part of the curriculum.
Sports and games are considered as an integral part of Education. This has enabled many of our students to take part in the taluk and district level sports meet. Our Throw Ball, Volley Ball and cricket team have participated in various tournaments conducted by the Education Department at the Taluk, District, State and National level.
Academic Achievements:
Ever since the establishment of our school six S.S.L.C. batches have gone out of the portals of this institution with 100% results. During the Academic year 2007-2008, out of 51 students who appeared 17 students secured Distinction and 34 students secured First Class. Our School has been honoured by the Education Department, Mysore Division for securing 100% result in the S.S.L.C. Examination for the past 6 years with a trophy and a cash prize of Rs. 3,000/
Mrs. Sunita R. D’souza, the Headmistress received the Award from R.D.P.R. Minister Shobha Karandlaje on 29.09.2008 at Mysore for S.S.L.C. 100% results in the year 2007-2008.