The Carmel Ward Jayashree Gate celebrated their ward feast on Sunday 13th Nov.2016 at 6.p.m in the basement of Dolrich apartment, Jayashree Gate. The purpose of the programme was to bring all the ward members together and understand each other better.
Ward Gurkar Smt Shanthi D Souza welcomed our Vicar Rev.Fr Victor Machado; Asst.Vicars, Father Anil and Father Prakash; Parish Council Vice President Mr. Praveen Patrao and Secretary Mr. Michael D’Souza; Small Christian Community Convenor Mr. George D’Souza; Carmel Hill Monastery Superior Father Joe Tauro and Fr Elias to the programme.
The Gurkars of the neighbouring wards were present.
The outgoing Gurkar, Mr.Dolphy Monteiro was felicitated by the Vicar along with all the dignitaries on the dais.
Mr. George D’Souza spoke about the importance of Small Christian communities and Mr.Praveen Patrao appreciated the involvement of ward members in church activities…
Rev.Fr Victor Machado in his presidential speech addressed the ward people to take active part in the Cordel church and sought co-operation for the forthcoming church programmes.
Mrs. Leena Cutinha read out the ward report, Mrs. Mary Rebello thanked the gathering and the dignitaries, and the people who had organised this ward feast.
Prizes were given to the winners of childrens day Quiz, and the best students in academics were honoured.
Dances, skits, songs and games were part of the Cultural programme by elders and children. The evening was concluded with dinner.
The Programme was compered by Smt. Jacintha D souza.

GURKARN : Smt. Shanthi D’souza
Jayashree Gate – Carmel Ward