The Catholic Sabha of Cordel parish which works under the motto- Service, Sacrifice and Unity was established on 15th of May, 1996. It was developed under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Valerian D’souza, and consisted of seventeen members. Today the number of members in this unit has gone up to 194. Its main aim is to create awareness in the society regarding human rights, leadership and other spheres of social development including political awareness, economical growth, educational growth and involvement in the civil service, improvement of the cultural life etc., mainly of the catholic community.
- Mr. M. P. Noronha
- Mr. Denis Peris
- Mr. Joseph Cutinho
- Mr. Alban Pinto
- Mr. Oswald D’Cunha
- Mrs. Molly Miranda
- Mr. Vincent Cutinho
- Ms. Mariette Pinto
- Mr. Alban Pinto
- Mrs. Molly Miranda
- Mr. Sushil Noronha
- Mr. Leo Mascarenhas
- Mrs. Winny D’Souza
Some of the services rendered by this unit are:
- Training program regarding political matters
- Training program on human rights
- Training program from a well known lawyer about issues regarding self property like land and will
- Training program from a well known auditor on various taxes like income tax, VAT tax, sales tax, etc.
- Christmas celebration along with people of other religions
- Celebrating national festivals like Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanthi, Diwali, etc.
- Seminar from a well known doctor about cancer
- Seminar on issues regarding consumer court
- Training program on preparing and participating in elocution competition
- Training program on the importance of drenching of water
The council members of this unit for the current year are given below:
Director | |
President | |
Vice President | |
Secretary | |
Joint Secretary | |
Treasurer | |
Sandesh Representative | |
Varado Representative |
Various projects and activities have been organized this year. Some of them are listed below:
- A visit to Mother Teresa Ashram on Good Friday
- Working and rendering service whole heartedly towards the bi- centenary birth celebrations of Frad Saib
- Working towards voting rights awareness and their rights to vote
- Christmas celebrations
- Training program to the poor and the down trodden people about the benefits of health card
It is also decided that as and when needed proper and appropriate activities will be conducted.
This year we have conducted “The Right to Vote Andolan”. Everyone of our community have been advised and helped to enroll in the electoral list, get their voters ID card and henceforth cast their vote in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
We have also organized training camps, elocution competition, Variety Entertainment competition, visits to orphanages and old age homes.