Welcome to Holy Cross Church, Cordel, Kulshekar

Ours Parish is one the vast and biggest Parishes in Mangalore. It is situated at Cordel, Kulshekar, which is 5 kms away from Mangalore city center. There are nearly 6,500 people distributed in 41 wards. Ours is a community of love and worship. We worship, study, work, play and pray together in good times and bad, so that our life in Christ may grow stronger. We are people of faith, hope and love. We strive to believe more firmly in the Word of God, trust more fully in the Redeemed Cross of Christ and love more deeply in faithful service. May the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus redeem us from all bondage and sickness and bless us with his abundant spiritual grace.

Rev. Fr. Alexander Dubois
(Frad Saib)
Parish Team

Rev. Fr. Clifford Fernandes
Parish Priest

Rev. Fr.Vijay Monteiro
Asst. Parish Priest

Rev. Fr. Paul Sebastian D,Souza
Asst. Parish Priest
Upcoming Events
News & Events
Mass Timing
Sunday Masses:
Morning – 5:45 AM
Morning – 7:00 AM
8:15 AM (English Mass)
9:30 AM (Children Mass)
Evening – 4:30 PM
Week days:
Morning – 6.15 AM
Evening – 5.00 PM
Saturday: Evening – 4:30 PM
Sunday Announcement

Catechism for Children – Upto PUC on
Sunday: Morning – 8:15 am to 9:15 am
Charismatic prayer Service on
Tuesday: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Adoration of the Eucharist on Friday:
5:30 pm
Adoration of the Eucharist after Every Mass:
First Sunday of the Month
Office Timings
Weekdays: Morning 8:30 am – 1:00 pm
Afternoon : 2:30 pm – 6: 00 pm
Sunday: Holiday
Novenas: After Morning Mass
Monday: Prayer in honour of Frad –Saib
Tuesday: Novena prayer to St Antony of Paduva
Wednesday: Novena prayer to St Joseph
Thursday: Novena Prayer to Infant Jesus
Friday: Novena prayer to Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday: Novena prayer to Perpetual Succor
Novena Prayer to Perpetual
Succor:Morning at 6:40 am Evening at 4:45 pm
After Every Scheduled Mass:
Prayer to the Holy Cross