Category Archives: News & Events

Inspirational Talk on Vocation for Altar servants

Inspirational Talk on Vocation

           In view of imparting information on vocation to priesthood and to religious life, Rev. Fr Anil Ivan Fernandes, Rector Gladsome Home for Students and Director of  the Diocesan Vocation Service Centre, motivated the altar boys and girls of Holy Cross Church, Cordel to inculcate a desire towards priesthood and religious life . He invited everyone to pray for vocations during their family prayer. About 70 altar servers were present.   

Inauguration of the Year of St Joseph at Holy Cross Church, Cordel

 Inauguration of the Year of St Joseph at Holy Cross Church, Cordel In honour of the 150th Anniversary of declaring St Joseph as the patron of the Universal Church by Pope Pius IX in 1870, Pope Francis has proclaimed this year (December 08, 2020 to December 08, 2021) as “Year of St Joseph”. In our parish, the inauguration of the year of St Joseph was held on Sunday January 24, 2021after the 7.00 am mass. Rev. Fr Victor Machado, the Parish Priest unveiled the photo of St Joseph and formally inaugurated the year along with Fr Lawrence Cutinha , Fr Shaun Rodrigues, Mr Michael D’Souza, Vice President and Mr Lancy Sequeria, Secretary .


‘YUVA EKVOT’ 2021 – The Indian Catholic Youth Movement (ICYM) Cordel unit organized a youth orientation programme –‘YUVA EKVOT-2021’ on Sunday 31st January 2021. The programme began with the prayer song led by Mr Lanville Sequeira and team.

 V. Rev. Fr Victor Machado, in his inaugural address encouraged the youth to actively participate in all the activities and stay united.

In order to conduct the orientation session Mr Jaison Periera, Karnataka Regional ICYM President ; Ms Jesvita Quadras, International Youth Advisory Body Member, and Mr Norbert Misquith, Ex Diocesan President were present. Fr Ashwin Cardoza, ICYM director Mangalore Diocese, Mr Leon Saldanha, President ICYM Mangalore diocese and his team paid a visit and encouraged our youth.

The orientation session began with an ice breaking session lead by Jaison Pereira after which Ms Jesvita Quadras shared her experience in youth ministry. Mr Norbert Misquith with his vast experience in training the youth motivated the participants with his inspiring talk and group activities.

 Deacon Ivan D’Souza welcomed the gathering. Mr Reinald Lobo introduced the guests, Ms Avrel Fernandes, Secretary of ICYM Cordel unit delivered the words of gratitude and Anisha D’Souza compered the programme.

 Rev. Fr Lawrence Cutinha, Assistant director ICYM Cordel, Fr Shaun Rodrigues, Rev. Dn Ivan D’Souza, Mr Michael D’Souza, Vice President Parish Pastoral Parishad were present. The curtains were drawn to the programme with  Mangalorean Baila. A good number of youth participated in the programme.

Yuva Sakath – 2021

 Henry Ford rightly said “Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success”. Having this is mind a half-a day orientation programme for YCS students of Cordel parish was organized on January 31, 2021 from 9.30 am to 1.00pm. The programme began with a prayer song led by Glenon and team.

After which a symbolic inauguration was done by bursting the balloons. V. Rev. Fr Victor Machado, the Parish Priest and Director YCS Cordel Unit in his inaugural message congratulated the students for their participation and invited them to form their lives with good values. After the inaugural programme, Fr Rupesh Madtha, Mangalore diocese YCS/YSM director conducted an ice- breaking session and gave a bird’s eye view on what YCS is all about and how one can benefit from this movement with the goal in mind See- Judge and Act. Mr Merwyn Vas conducted games and Mr Prajwal took up as session on cell-formation and cell meetings. Fr Shaun Rodrigues, Fr Lawrence Cutinha, Deacon Ivan D’Souza, Mr Michael D’Souza, Vice President PPP, Mr Anil D’Sa , YCS animator and Ms Renita Aranha, YCS animator were present. Ms Sweedal Mendonca compered the programme, Mr Samson D’Silva welcomed the gathering, Mr Briston Rodrigues, introduced the guests, Mr Ethan D’Souza, proposed the vote of thanks and Rohan D’Souza and Lavisha Lobo did all the arrangements.

Around 60 students participated in the programme. The programme came to an end with fellowship lunch.

Holy Cross Church bids farewell to Fr Victor Machado, welcomes Fr Clifford Fernandes

Welcome to Fr Clifford Fernandes

          Rev.Fr Clifford Fernandes, the new Parish Priest of Holy Cross Church was welcomed by the outgoing Parish Priest Rev. Fr Victor Machado, Asst Parish Priests, Parish Pastoral Parishad members and parishionerson 13 July 2021 at 4.00 pm. V. Rev.FrVictor Machado handed over the charge to Rev.Fr Clifford Fernandesduring the installation ceremony presided by the Bishop’s delegate Rev. Fr Austin Peter Peres.This was followed by a short welcome programme. Rev. Fr Victor Machado welcomed and congratulated Fr Clifford Fernandes as he took up the new responsibility. Mr Michael D’Souza gave a bird’s eye view on the Parish and its functioning. Later,FrClifford Fernandes asked for prayers and blessed the gathering. Rector of St Joseph Seminary V. Rev.Fr Ronald Serrao, Assistant Parish Priests Fr Lawrence Cutinha,Fr Shaun Rodrigues and FrJovin Sequeira,Mr Michael D’Souza, Vice President of PPP,Mr Lancy Sequeira, the Secretary of PPP were present. FrJovinVishwas Sequeira compered the ceremony and thanked all.

Farewell to Fr Victor Machado

          On Sunday, 11 July 2021, Holy Cross Church, Cordel parishioners bid farewell to theirParish Priest V. Rev. Dr Victor Machado after the thanksgiving mass.Acknowledging the services rendered by Fr Victor Machado for six years, on behalf of the Parishioners Mr Michael D’Souza, the Vice President of Parish Pastoral Parishadread the citation ‘maanpatr’.As a mark of gratitude, the outgoing parish priest was honoured by Mr Louis Fernandes along with Vice presidents and Secretaries of PPP of past six years and also by Rev. Lawrence Cutinha, Rev. Shaun Rodrigues and Rev. JovinVishwas Sequeira the Asst. Parish Priests. The superiors of three convents were also present.

          On this occasion, the parish phone directory was released by Fr Victor Machado. Mr Lancy Sequeira, the Secretary of PPC thanked everyone. Mrs Renita Tauro compered the programme.